Many people contact me saying things like "I feel empty without my twin flame" "I miss my twin flame so much it hurts" "I feel so lonely without my twin flame."
As two halves of one soul it is a feeling like no other.
Get access to my "Connecting with your Twin Flame" Healing meditation here

You crave to be with them, feel like a limb is missing and the emptiness and the pain that comes with that can be almost debilitating.
So, how to cope with twin flame separation?
Your twin flame serves as a mirror to the wounds to need to heal and nine times out of ten the wounds lay in your inner child. Most twin flames will have experienced struggle and pain in their childhood and find the emotional or physical absence of their twin intensifies the pain in your inner child.
Being aware of the root cause of the pain can allow you to turn the attention to the parts of you that need the most love, care and attention and it is when you direct the love you want to give to them towards yourself that you can truly start to transform.
Actions like getting a photo of your younger self, affirming the words and the love you never got as a child to that photo and setting the intention that your energy is heading towards that part of yourself will begin to help you heal the sense of neglect and abandonment simply by being there for yourself.
The simple action of taking note of your pain, realising why this is such a struggle and recognising your own needs in that moment is incredibly powerful and it also serves as a step towards helping draw your twin flame back to you.
As an energetic connection, your twin will feel it if your energy moves towards yourself and notice the absence and naturally want to close that gap more. If they are running your energy shifting will prevent them from running and help restore a level of balance to your connection on the energetic level which can translate to restoring the connection on the 3D level.