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Signs of a Twin Flame Connection


How do you know if you've met your twin flame?

I remember first discovering what twin flames were. I somehow found myself online in the middle of the night reading an article about twin flames after meeting someone I literally could not stop thinking about. A lot has happened in my life since that fateful moment but knowing I was in a twin flame connection put me on a path that would change my life.

Here is a summary of the signs I experienced.

  1. Recognition.

When my twin walked across the room towards me I literally couldn't breathe as I saw his eyes for the first time. I'm not talking about pure attraction i'm talking like the deepest soul-touching moment of my life. I'd never seen him before and yet I knew him - complete recognition. I remembers thinking, oh my god, look at his eyes. It was like the whole universe was contained within them but a whole universe I already knew. Now, this is not the kind of thought processes I was used to. I was always practical, if not cynical about love so to feel such an immediate draw to someone in such a mind-blowing way was new and yet completely familiar. I recognised him, and as he flung his arms around me upon being introduced I knew he recognised me too.

2. A feeling of 'Home'.

As I was talking to my twin I had the most bizarre feeling. I actually stoped dead and froze. It was like something dropped into my body, something which incidentally I'd always felt was missing. I remember at that exact moment thinking to myself, "i'm home". At this very moment I was vacationing and so in the back of my head, I started to think about moving, but it wasn't the place that felt like home, it was him. The energy I felt drop in was in the right side of my body, the side that contains the masculine energy. I had no idea what had happened but I just started to feel

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3. The obsession

That night i left my twin at the party, albeit reluctantly. I went to bed all warm and fuzzy thinking about his eyes, the hug he gave me, everything about him. The next morning before i was even really awake his name was swirling around in my head. I set off for a day of sight seeing with a friend and all I could think about was him. I remember asking myself, "Why can't I stop thinking about him?" and this wasn't just like an obsessive crush, it was like he was now a part of my life. As the days passed I found myself googling him and finding him on social media. I boldly followed him and we quickly exchanged some messages. It was like a drug - and I was hooked.

4. The bubble love

Turns out it wasn't only me that was hooked, he was too. I had never felt so good. I loved my life, I loved myself, and most of all I loved him. We both turned into machines in terms of going for our dreams. Achieving so much with ease in areas we'd been so blocked. Then of course there was the chemistry that was more intense than anything I had ever felt. My usual fears or doubts about the insecurities that had held me back from relationships in the past were gone. We spent hours upon hours together: talking, hugging, marvelling at each other. Finally, after a life time of misery, I was happy.

5. The bubble bursting

After a few blissful months of euphoria, I began to feel some discomfort. My twin was obsessed with rap videos. You know the ones, with the women in the thongs dancing. As someone who does not have the butt of any of those women or in fact the figure of anyone in a music video i began to feel really insecure. Then I went out for dinner, my twin called me and as I spoke to him on the phone I gestured about something with my hand and hit a passerby. Luckily for me the guy found it funny. You know who didn't? My twin. In fact those dreamy eyes of his turned bright green and he lashed out angrily at me for flirting. So obviously I handled this calmly... yeah right. My insecurities about the music videos poured out in response. We ended up in the biggest fight i'd ever encountered and from then on the relationship disintegrated with speed. Those 5 hour long conversations we used to have were replaced with chats that turned into arguments within minutes. We couldn't talk about anything without one of us being triggered. It became intolerable. All I did was cry or be mad. All he did was disappear then come back, pretending nothing had happened. This cycle carried on until one day he disappeared and was gone from my life for years. Find out more about why this happens in my twin flame booklet which answers all your burning questions.

6. The problems

Even before our arguments began it was clear my twin and I had very different feelings about a lot of things. He liked things casual I wanted commitment. We are from countries that are thousands of miles apart and a huge time difference. I liked to go out all the time, he is a homebody. I loved spirituality and he was very much in his ego. These kind of difficulties are par for the course, along with huge age differences, opposing religions and cultural backgrounds.

7. Synchronicities

I met my twin on 11.11.

Not all twins will meet on the 11/11 dates but many will have synchronicities in relation to the day they met or their birthdays. As i've done readings for twins i've seen so many synchronicities pop up in birthdays and info people send me about the connection. These are very common and a sign for many twins.

8. The 'weird' stuff

Twin flames share a soul. They are created from the same energy and therefore share an energy. This is why so many twins have connections that involve 'feeling or sensing' things going on with their twin. In some cases twins experience telepathic communication, the ability to remote view each other and feeling things such as when their twin may be drunk, or in a really hellish scenario, when they're having sex with someone else. These kind of things may sound far fetched but are very real indeed. After all, if you share one energy then you are going to feel the things that impact that energy.


If you got here and were trying to understand if you have met your twin flame, don't forget the most important sign of all - your intuition. You will know deep in your soul if you have met your twin. Unfortunately, there are many people who think the twin flame is some magnificent love story which is all roses and sunshine and apply the label to anyone they have a crush on. My next post will go into the detail of why that is not the case!



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