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Twin Flame Terminology - What does it all mean?

Writer's picture: VaughnVaughn

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

What to DM and DF mean in the twin flame journey? Why does my twin flame run? Does my twin flame love me? Why won't my twin flame leave their karmic? How do I know if they are my twin? How do i stop thinking about my twin?

If you've asked yourself any of these questions then please know you are not alone! When you meet your twin flame you will be thrown into a whirlwind and be desperately looking for answers.

Here is a quick overview of some of the core phrases and explanations you will come across on the twin flame journey. All of these are covered in much more details in over 20 pages of in-depth answers to the most common twin flame questions in my twin flame booklet.

What are Twin Flames? - Twin flames are two people who share one soul. At incarnation of the one soul it was split into two. The two souls then go through multiple life times. Many of these lifetimes the two souls will never meet. They may encounter each other in some of their lifetimes but they will meet and come into union in what will be their final lifetime on earth. You twin flame is the other part of your soul and the person that embodies them. (Twin flames can exist without being incarnated at the same time as you.)

What is the DF in relation to twin flames? - DF stands for Divine Feminine energy. This can be embodied by any gender.

What does DM mean in relation to twin flames? - DM stands for Divine Masculine energy. This can be embodied by any gender.

What is a counterpart - This refers to your twin flame.

Whats the difference between 3D and 5D? - 3D refers to our 3D physical reality and our existence on this earth. 5D refers to the 5th energectic dimension where our higher selves exist.

How do I know they're my twin flame? Many twin flames will talk of the knowing or the feeling of home when they first encounter their counterpart in the 3D. This is because their souls recognise each other.

What is a false twin? This is the phenomena of meeting what appears to be a twin flame but is not your true twin. Often they will come in to trigger off your healing journey.

Why won't my twin leave their karmic? - This is short for karmic partner. (There is a whole sections dedicated to karmic partners and explaining their role and why your twin is staying with them at the moment in my twin flame booklet.) Often they will have outstanding agreements or energies from past lives to complete with this person.

Why do twin flames separate? - After meeting and a ‘honeymoon period’ many twins will go into separation. This is because they are triggered. The separation seems to be a great source of distress for twins, however twins must separate in order to work on their own healing and becoming whole alone in order to be able to come back into union.

What does it mean to be triggered? - Twins will ‘trigger’ each other. This means your twin will do something which prompts a reaction within you, often this is a negative reaction (jealousy, fear, need) These triggers are opportunities top identify what you need to heal.

Why does my twin flame run? The runner is often the DM (although not always) and is the twin that flees from the relationship. When they see themselves mirrored in their twin they often panic due to the overwhelm of feelings.


Who is the twin flame chaser? - The chaser is often the DF (Again, not always). When the Runner runs from the relationship the Chaser is often the one who feels the importance of this connection and feels a need to cling onto this connection and not let it disappear.

What is twin flame healing? - All twins will be put on this earth for a reason. For many, they will have experienced many challenges in their lifetime, such as depression, addiction, abusive relationships and difficult childhoods or families. This is not exclusive to this lifetime, but also to previous lifetimes. Twins are here to transmute this energy of trauma and resolve it. By doing this healing or the work, they are energetically lifting the vibration of the planet. The healing / The work is the most important part of this journey as you will not only heal yourself, you heal the earth.

What is a twin flame mission? - Each twin will have a gift that they can offer in service to the world. This may be to create art, to read tarot, to be a healer. Whatever it is, this is your mission. When you hear people saying you should go on mission, this is talking about following what you know you should do and your divine purpose. Note: Your mission does not have to be your career.

What is (Divine) union? - Union talks of when twins reconnect after a period of separation and come into union. Union means a physical reconnection and mutual acknowledgement of their love. Note: Triggers will still come up after union and the healing will continue.

What does 11:11 have to do with twin flames? - 1111 is often seen as the Twin Flame number. 11 is a master builder number in numerology and the 2 sets of 11’s represent the twins. The number 11 or variants of 111, 1111 often will feature in the twins lives. Many will either meet on this date, have an 11 year age gap or the number 11 will feature in their birthdays. Note: This is not always, just often. You can still be a Twin if the number 11 does not feature.




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